Tuesday, June 2, 2009

She's baaaack...

Brought to you by:
Little-Miss-No-Sleeps, Sleepless-Girl-Wonder

in case you can't see the pictures, C is teething again--an unfortunate catalyst that leads to many sad-sack moments. Hence her renewed status as resident Woodchuck, hence her lack of ability to sleep, hence her crankiness. Thank goodness for that swaddle!


Upstatemamma said...

She looks so sweet asleep though. Well, actually she looks so sweet either way but I just love sleeping babes.

Momstart said...

My son always needs his snuggy

Kathy said...

I always FELT for moms who lost sleep consoling teething babies. I was sooo lucky wiht my first 4 babies. But now, I have been up all night TWO times. YUCK YUCK YUCK!

Baby C is so beautiful and you do SUCH a great job with her pictures!!