There is an incredibly cool farm with an awesome mission about 30 minutes north of where we stay in Florida. Since it's so close to us we've always wanted to visit it, take a tour, and buy some fruit trees for the backyard.
ECHO is a creative working farm with six Global Farm simulated settings. They test new and innovative techniques for farmers and urban gardeners in third world countries, helping to diminish hunger and poverty. They let us taste leaves and berries while exploring rain-forest habitats, visiting their fun farm animals, and taking a rest in at a simulated Haitian school. Cutie Face could not get enough of the cranberry hyacinth plant and kept going back to it--we will definitely buy one for our house! The animals were the highlight of the tour for Cutie Cakes--she kept making goat sounds and hopping for the bunnies.
My highlight? Showing the Cuties broccoli in the ground! They were so curious about it--I loved that they were able to see how their favorite veggie grows.
As a Christian organization, ECHO's motto is Honoring God through Sustainable Hunger Solutions. They hire 10 interns every year who are either college graduates or masters/PhD students and who will, one day, go out onto the mission field and bring their innovative initiatives to third world countries. It's so inspiring to see it in action! Here is our tour guide showing new ways of pumping water for drinking (on the left) and pumping waters into specific planters. Very cool!
The big Cuties were also a little feisty but definitely earned their honey stick treats at the end of the tour for being patient and good listeners! I just can't wait to take them back in three years or so when they can really appreciate how wonderful ECHO farm is! Until then...we'll just be back to buy plants!