Sunday, January 31, 2010

Week in Review! {Jan 25-31}


Today we checked out the Goose + the playground

after we went swinging, we went on a hunt for the goose
where is she?
as Cutie Face says, "right dere"

oh! i see her!

YAY! the goose!

okay, back to the playground...with a skeptical Cutie Face

hi mom!

Please! help me get down!
BOOM! shortly after we took this picture, Cutie Face made a tragic fall...and you'll see the results of the fall in the rest of the pictures taken this week. Poor kiddo.


Winter was cold* today!
*by cold...i mean cold for Atlanta (low 30s)

The big difference between an Atlantic Winter & a Midwestern Winter the SUN!

Cutie Face very much enjoyed running around outside

and going in and out of the gate...or at least opening and closing it

or even crawling out of the gate:

She's looking for YOU to come visit! So come on down!


After a lazy morning,

spent chilaxing in our chairs,

we decided to head to Target (where else?)
so that we could buy bread for the goose and ducks.

Cutie Face enjoyed feeding them but she enjoyed eating their bread even more

Thankfully, the goose did get some of the bread!


Today was my grandpa's birthday. He was a wonderful wonderful incredible man and we miss him. The twin and the cousins created a wonderfully sweet memorial for him today.
One thing about Grandpa was that he thoroughly enjoyed sports. Tonight we took Cutie Face to her first basketball game: Georgia Tech v. Wake Forest.

She was super into the whole opening and found it quite enthralling

Buzz, the GT mascot, led the cheerleaders and players into the stadium

Cutie Face tried to sign "Bug" whenever she saw Buzz
(maybe she thinks Bug and Buzz are the same thing?).

She knows all about Buzz because Poppy wears a Buzz hat all the time.
From afar, she thought he was pretty funny & kept pointing him out to us.

Poppy enjoyed sharing the basketball game with Cutie Face...but when Buzz started coming up the stairs to meet the kiddos, she let out the MOST incredibly loud BLOOD CURDLING scream you've ever heard.

She recovered, though, and went on to watch, safely in the arms of Daddy

Despite their faces, it wasn't a nailbitter--GT won! yay!


just playing...

buh bye, week, hello weekend!

even Puppy was worn out from our exciting week!


Today we spent a LOT of time shopping...
we went to our favorite Dekalb Farmer's Market, filled our cart

ate at their buffet restaurant (delicious!)

and then we went to buy all our food...FAIL! We didn't have a debit card (or enough cash) that was working. BOO. So no food for us that day (except for the buffet which we paid for with cash--phew)

Since our food shopping trip was such a failure, we decided to stop at a local Antique Market called Kudzu (nope--it's not just an invasive plant in Atlanta)

Cutie Face loved playing with the vintage Little People playhouse

and she also enjoyed the overlar
when we came home, Cutie Face asked to sleep in her Big Girl bed...
(seen here through the window in the stairwell)

she took an awesome nap & has been taking all her naps in it ever since!

Since she has pretty sensitive skin, especially in the winter, we have only been giving Cutie Face a bath every three days. The nights we do give her a bath are thrilling to her! ...right...?

Since we didn't get to purchase J's beer at the Farmer's Market, we decided to take a night family trek to our local package store. Cutie Face helped pick out J's beer...right dere... {don't worry, Grandma, we aren't ruining her sweet innocence!}


Oh my what a beautiful day! After church and a quick lunch we took a very very loooong family walk. I was secretly hoping it would induce labor.

Sadly, NO, it did not--not even after we made a stop at Whole Foods and I bought (and then proceeded to wolf down) 1.2 lbs of eggplant from their hot bar.

Oh well. At least we had a great walk! We wandered past an interesting sculpture we've seen from the road but have never seen up close and personal...

Then we headed to our former favorite park in our old 'hood

Cutie Face was happy to be back and showed J her fave toy...the firetruck

She also liked sharing the firetruck with another kid...she LOVES kids!

she would have just been thrilled to watch all the kids run around:

J liked having her slide down the slides...

...mainly for the static electricity effect.

Aren't we great parents?

Phew! and with that, i think i'm finally caught up on the last month...of course there are still posts from October that i haven't written yet but that is a completely different day!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I love the fact that you can go to the park in January. That does not happen here in Ohio unless you are bundled up so much that you can't walk. Looks like a great week!