Sunday, February 21, 2010

Regularly scheduled programming...


is it possible to have too many pictures?

well my computer certainly thinks so!

Running slower than molasses on a cold day


the fact that my camera won't turn on (? weird ?)


my fabulous in-laws are in town


no blogging for a bit.

regularly scheduled updates to resume soon!

*not sure why egad popped into my head but i just had to use it!


Anonymous said...

Oh, that's really annoying! We need to buy more memory for our computer because it's running too slow, too. Hope you get the problem resolved soon. I bet your in-laws are loving their time with Cutie Cakes!

About Southern Belle said...

LOL. Don't you just love it when nothing works right? It can be sooooo frustrating!

Jill K said...

Ha! I love the word "egad." It reminds me of the Music Man!

Unknown said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I miss you!

You had the baby!

All day I was thinking in my head, I MUST go find Allie tonight. And then I couldn't remember your blog address for me. And I was googling alli and monkey on the bed and I couldn't find you.

So I am laying in bed at almost 1 am and suddenly I was like
OH MY GOODNESS I am such an idiot! Why don't I just look in old emails.

Blah, blah, blah! So glad to find you. Missed you! Going to read about the new baby! YAY for you and your new baby. And holy cow do I miss cutie face!

Shari@aPsychMommy said...

Hope all is well! How is life balancing two little ones? Andrew and I are starting to *think* about trying for number two, but every time we talk about it Bean stops sleeping through the night or get sicks! How does he know?