Mainly because:
1) we've been boring
2) we've been busy (an oxymoron? if only you knew...)
1) we've been boring
2) we've been busy (an oxymoron? if only you knew...)
But, the reason why I write on this blog is to remember our day-to-day boring happenings so here I am recounting them (and for you, too, Jenna, since I don't want you to go through withdrawl :0)
Monday Cutie Face had an awesome day...nap-wise. I couldn't figure out who this little sleeper was--certainly not my child! She wouldn't take TWO 1.5 hour naps after sleeping for 12 hours, would she? Turns out, no, she really wouldn't as today (Tuesday) she awoke at 5:30 AM, fought both naps, and ended up going to bed at 6:45!
Here are the events from Monday and Tuesday that I did find entertaining enough to photo-document, though:
Besides sitting in the corner and serving as a topic of conversation* every day between Cutie Face and I , the apples we bought way back in October haven't had much play time in our kitchen.
(*the conversation goes like this: CF: "Apple?" Me:"Yes, those are apples". CF: "Apple? Pleese?" "Pleeeessse?" Me: "You've already eaten two apples today, sweetie, you don't need another one" while i'm thinking "...or else you'll poop even more than FOUR times a day".)
The kiddo and I finally decided to put them to good use: we made homemade applesauce in the crockpot!
She helped me eat the apples as i cut, peeled, and quartered--don't worry, that is as close to the knife as she got! We made up our own recipe after reading a few other ones and combining the best aspects that sounded yummy. I took a picture of the apples pre-cooking but the applesauce was completely devoured once it was finished and didn't last long enough for a photo-op. It does mean, however, that it was eaten so quickly that we need to make more so there will be plenty of other opportunities for pics!

She wore a BOW in her HAIR and NOT on a headband for the first time! Check out all the hair she recently grew--seriously it took off the last two days and she can now wear bows in her hair. Its the simple things, people.

and that was the end of our pictures from Monday!
Visiting with Mimi today was no exception as Mimi allowed her to play with her lipstick. She loved it. Cutie Face is going to be one Girly Girl!
We walked around the mall, saw Santa, pointed at him, watched some kids (mainly girls, under the age of 4) cry and scream and some kids sit and share their wishlist. Cutie Face loved pointing at Santa ("hohohoho" as she said) but when we got close to him she said "Noo...? No!"
We wrapped up our mall visit at Nordstrom's shoe rack in the kids' department. They had an excellent place for Cutie Face to color and watch the fish "swimmm-min".
We went home where she fought nap #2 and, sadly, she won. That meant that she got to go to bed at 6:45 PM. Now when she'll wake up tomorrow is a whole 'nother question...
Monday Cutie Face had an awesome day...nap-wise. I couldn't figure out who this little sleeper was--certainly not my child! She wouldn't take TWO 1.5 hour naps after sleeping for 12 hours, would she? Turns out, no, she really wouldn't as today (Tuesday) she awoke at 5:30 AM, fought both naps, and ended up going to bed at 6:45!
Regardless, sleeping is boring and not often picture-worthy.
Here are the events from Monday and Tuesday that I did find entertaining enough to photo-document, though:
Besides sitting in the corner and serving as a topic of conversation* every day between Cutie Face and I , the apples we bought way back in October haven't had much play time in our kitchen.
(*the conversation goes like this: CF: "Apple?" Me:"Yes, those are apples". CF: "Apple? Pleese?" "Pleeeessse?" Me: "You've already eaten two apples today, sweetie, you don't need another one" while i'm thinking "...or else you'll poop even more than FOUR times a day".)
The kiddo and I finally decided to put them to good use: we made homemade applesauce in the crockpot!
Once she woke up from her morning nap, we headed to the park to collect leaves (for the tutorial i still have yet to write!).
Sadly, the bows don't really last as long in her hair as they do on a headband...
Cutie Face really loved kiddo-watching...from the left...
Cutie Face really loved kiddo-watching...from the left... the right...she loved checking them out everywhere they went
I do, however, want to document that Cutie Face walked all the way from the post office to the corner of Virginia & Highland...nearly half a mile! I thought that was impressive for the little tyke. Well done, kiddo!
Today (Tuesday) we had RAIN rain RAIN (side affect from the hurricane...)
Mimi (my mom) had to run an errand downtown at a mall a mere 4 miles away from us so we met her there for lunch. I decided to not bring the stroller so that Cutie Face could walk around the mall and tucker herself out for a good nap. (Turns out that plan backfired but whatevs)
Cutie Face loves visiting my parents' house because she can play in Mimi's makeup drawer
We went home where she fought nap #2 and, sadly, she won. That meant that she got to go to bed at 6:45 PM. Now when she'll wake up tomorrow is a whole 'nother question...
I noticed her hair looked suddenly longer! She looked adorable before, but it looks like there is some curl coming in and it is too cute! Hopefully, my kiddos will have a similar hair growth spurt someday!
Gramma's are great for letting us play with their make-up. My girls LOVE playing with Great Gramma's scarves. She has quite a collection!
I am still lucky about the whole sleep thing around here. Both little girls nap still. Tessa twice a day and Abigail once. I even get them to go down together giving me some much needed rest. Hope you get some of it yourself soon enough!
I am gonna go find your sling tutorial now and make one. I have been dying for one of those!
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