Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Strawberry thief

J's been growing a garden of sorts--we have lots of veggies in very large planters against our fence. And then we have herbs and strawberries within arms reach of the kitchen...or within arms reach of Cutie Face.

Today, while talking on the phone, I was most definitely not paying attention to Cutie #1...all of a sudden i looked up and saw red juice dripping off her fingers. Having not heard a scream for help, i knew she wasn't injured. The next guess: she'd stolen J's first strawberries!

 checking out the bounty


are there any more??? no--not that mommy will let me have!

 oh man but i really want them!

in case she still wants to taste strawberries, 
she can just lick her blanket


Design A-Peele said...

aww! your girls are just too cute! I didn't know y'all were going to start the process either! We are loving every minute of it. The paper work really isn't bad at least for South Korea! Hope y'all are doing well.

Kelly said...

Lincoln does the same thing to our strawberry and tomato plants! I am up to 5 missing grape tomatoes at the moment. So sad, but it does make him sooo happy to pick them!